Saturday, March 10, 2012


Mum got home so late from her shift last night that it was this morning - so no Friday post.  Today we have woken up to a lovely sunny day, so all of the neighbourhood is busy in the garden washing and gardening.  After a little sleep in, she is off to the market to ge the fruit and veg of the week.  Then she is going to meet her besties for a cheap Asian Saturday night dinner, and then back on call again.

Hope you  are all having a lovely Saturday and get to enjoy some sunshine.


  1. Hi Poppy,
    We had a lovely sunny day too yesterday, and we are all the way in the US on the east coast! I saw my first pigeon on our balcony, and watched it for a while. Then when it flew away, I waited for it to come back! I wish I could play in a garden like you do! I hope your mom enjoys her day & you enjoy your sunshine!

    - Karl & Oscar

  2. It is exciting to have a sunny day here, too. We have had cloudy gray skys for day!

  3. I bet you still have lots of pretty days left before winter starts rearing its head!

  4. Dearest Poppy, you look so lovely lounging in the sunshine. Enjoy!

  5. Wow ! You got a lovely day !
    I wish I can go outside like you and have a happy nap like that : )
    I hope you and your poor mom have a lovely easy day : )

  6. Hi Poppy. After a couple of days of spring, we had winter yesterday and do have again today. Then back to spring temps, and we hope sunshine too!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Sounds like a perfectly lovely weekend! Enjoy!
